admin2周前 (09-29)产业发展服务8

zhengjia enterprise services (shanghai) center, rooted in the industrial real estate sector, is a high-tech company specializing in industrial real estate information services. the company was founded by the founding team from renowned industrial real estate developers such as china fortune land development, zhongnan high-tech, and lian dong u valley.through its independently developed information technology, the company achieves efficient matching of supply and demand information in the industrial real estate sector.

the company operates industrial real estate commercial websites in cities across the country. its flagship brand, "shanghai factory network 上海厂房网 ," established in 05, is one of the earliest industrial real estate information platforms in mainland china. it has now set up regional branches in over 00 cities, forming a nationwide industrial real estate commercial service network.

additionally, the company	s wechat public account "industrial park business attraction 园区产业招商" has become one of the most influential industrial real estate new media platforms in china.

in 2018, the company began its expansion into the southeast asian market and now receives a significant number of industrial real estate demands from chinese companies relocating abroad every month.

with specialized information services and robust internet operation technology, zhengjia enterprise services (shanghai) center is becoming an essential bridge connecting the supply and demand of industrial real estate in china and even the asian region, providing high-quality and efficient supporting services for enterprises in the industrial chain.


=======company introduction in chinese======







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 g0630 青浦赵巷崧秋路400四楼带客货两用电梯厂房仓库出租

g0630 青浦赵巷崧秋路400四楼带客货两用电梯厂房仓库出租

编号: g0630 青浦 赵巷崧秋路 面积400位于四楼有客货两用电梯,配电20kv报价80000一年, 厂区内20米大马路、场地大, 如有兴趣请加微信:13391219793 和葛老师沟通 或 在下方表格提交您的详细需求和本“房源编号”...

闵行颛桥沪闵路剑川路5号线沿线 2层独栋厂房仓库出租 有电梯 独立办公室展厅 大小面积可以分租

闵行颛桥沪闵路剑川路5号线沿线 2层独栋 有电梯,独立办公室展厅,大小面积可以分租 位置:闵行颛桥沪闵路剑川路 楼层:2层独栋 有电梯,有消防通道 一层:挑高4.2米(有柱子) 二层:5.8米(无柱子)大小可分割 面积:建筑面积1800平(得房率85%以上),一层900平方,二层900平方 三号楼可以单独做一个小院子!...

g2804 嘉兴秀洲王店产业园 高标准物流仓库出租 6万多方 双层坡道 三层电梯 丙二类高标仓库 可分割出租

g2804 嘉兴秀洲王店产业园 高标准物流仓库出租 6万多方 双层坡道 三层电梯 丙二类高标仓库 可分割出租 华东核心区位,50km辐射半径覆 盖嘉兴、上海、杭州、苏州等华东核心城市,是华东区域分拨的理想选择。 总面积63527.24平方米,2020年06月交付使用。 双层坡道 三层电梯 丙二类高标仓库 可分割出租 正常一个消防分区起租3000-5000平,如正好项目还有空置面积的时...

a8216 闵行区浦江镇三鲁公路闸航路3楼商业用房600平米出租 有电梯

房产位于闵行区浦江镇三鲁公路闸航路口,紧临浦星公路,闵浦大桥,距离8号线延伸段东城一路站步行距离,地理位置极其优越。现有三楼商业用房600平米(25x25米)出租,层高3.6米以上,一楼现在是家得利超市。适合作为公司办事处,仓储,物流,娱乐场所等行业,欢迎电话咨询并现场参观,价格面议。 联系人:王先生 - 13003102589,17317356516...

g0930 嘉定 南翔 外环a20丰翔路出口3150平方米多层厂房仓库出租带电梯有环氧地坪

编号: g0930 嘉定 嘉定南翔、外环a20丰翔路出口,新腾出全新豪华装修,砖混结构厂房面积3150平方有2台2吨电梯,有环氧地坪,厂房门口有公交:宝山19路、821路、南翔1路直达地铁7号线、11号线 有意请记录编号 加微信 13391219793 提供名片 及 营业执照申请看房....
